a mixture of jewelry

Photo: Felice Neals


Welcome to our Winter 2025 Issue!
A Journey in Portraits

     Featured (Re) Contributors 



Portrait(s) of a Writer: Interviews with BRIAN ALESSANDRO, author of Julian’s Debut
and NANA EKUA-BREW HAMMOND, author ofMy Parents’ Marriageby Felice Neals.
An interview with KOSS, author of Dancing Backwards Toward Pluperfect by Kristine Esser Slentz.

The Multi-Genre Science Corner.


Stella Berg


Portraits in the Key of You


Bits and Bobs and (various) Credits

the scrabble letters R and E

Welcome to (Re)!

We are very excited to present a “journal of ideas” that is a meeting place of visual art, prose, science, and more.

The idea for this endeavor came about from my love of vintage clothing and found objects and the way in which one ‘re’cycles these objects, et al. to make them their own. This concept then grew from that which we acquire in this vein, to that which we create through our various art forms (and yes, science and math are considered here, to be ‘the application of creative skill and imagination,’ as art is formally defined). All that we create is an extension of a re-root word, such as relive, reinvent, reuse…in whatever way the artist/creator/inventor chooses. And so, (Re) is a product of this expanded idea.

The journal, now available bi-annually online, features the work of artists/creators/thinkers in various categories and we are honored to present their work within this forum.  



Felice Neals. (Re) Founder/Publisher/Co-Editor/Visualist is the author of screenplays, a TV pilot (a quarterfinalist in the Scriptapalooza competition and the Austin Film Festival), short stories, travel narratives, non-fiction essays and is currently working on edits for her historical fiction novel-in-progress. Artist residencies include Ragdale, Leopardi Writing Conference, Recanati, Italy and UCross. Her work has been featured in various publications including Catapult, Odyssey Magazine, Day One Literary Journal and the New York Times. She was awarded the City College David Dortort Prize in Fiction in 2018 and the Traveler’s Tales Silver Medal for travel writing. She is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the City College of NY, CUNY, photographer, dance devotee, language-a-phile and works, lives and pursues her dreams in downtown New York City.

H.E. Fisher. (Re) Editor-in-Chief (she/they) is the author of the hybrid collection STERILE FIELD (Free Lines Press, 2022) and chapbook JANE ALMOST ALWAYS SMILES (Moonstone Arts Center Press, 2022). H.E.’s poems, prose poems, and CNF have appeared in Tupelo QuarterlyPsaltery & Lyre, Ligeia MagazineWhale Road ReviewDMQ ReviewHopper Magazine, and Pithead Chapel, among other publications. H.E. was awarded City College of New York’s 2019 Stark Poetry Prize and has received nominations for Best of the Net and The Pushcart Prize. H.E. is a recipient of the Poets Afloat and Stonecrop Gardens residencies. H.E. is an editor, instructor, and writing coach, and lives in the Hudson River Valley.

Thank you so much for taking the time to explore this ever-evolving (re)source.

We hope you enjoy the ride!

— Felice Neals & H.E. Fisher



Welcome to our Winter issue!

In our first issue of the year, we are excited to (re)turn to the fold with a journey in portraits through powerful poetry, (Re): An Ideas Journal 8-Question Interviews with three inspiring authors, vibrant art, unique music, and the magical world of science.

Thanks as always, for stopping by!

“Every man’s work, whether it be literature or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself.” — Samuel Butler



Mama by Jessica Frances Grégoire Lancaster, 2023.

What’s Held in a Mama’s Body

Cynthia Manick


Interview with Brian Alessandro

by Felice Neals

Interview with Nana Ekua Brew-Hammond

by Felice Neals

Interview with Koss

by Kristine Esser Slentz


“Science is the poetry of reality.” — Carl Sagan

Portrait of a Planet

One of my favorite planets in that wondrous sky of ours is Jupiter. Why? you may ask. Well, it is the oldest planet; has more than 75 moons – some with oceans beneath their crusts; is home to a huge storm (its red spot) that has wreaked havoc for over a century and completes its Jovian days in a little under 10 hours.

It is also the only planet, due to its immense size – about eleven times larger  than earth – that can influence the orbits of other planets, asteroids and comets.

How cool is that?

When the Juno spacecraft was launched in 2016 to capture images of this grand master of the universe, this space geek was over the moon (so to speak) and tuned in whenever possible to follow the results.

Here are some of the latest portraits of Jove, Zeus, Brhaspati, Mushtari… c/o the  NASA Junocam gallery.


—  Felice Neals

“Jupiter shall emerge, be patient, watch again another night, the Pleiades shall emerge, They are immortal, all those stars both silvery and golden shall shine out again, The great stars and the little ones shall shine out again, they endure.” —Walt Whitman





I was born in NYC, and spent my middle and high school years growing up in Istanbul, Turkey. Mosaics are a quintessential art form in the Turkish culture. I had the privilege of witnessing ancient mosaics carefully preserved in mosques and archaeological sites, as well as modern mosaics used in everyday design. Stone tiles of various color and clout, carefully arranged to tell their stories. Used in reverence in mosques, decor in homes, design in cobble stone streets, mosaics are everywhere. 

I was given a “self-portrait” assignment in high school. On a subliminal level, I was inspired by mosaics enough to endeavor to create my image out of tiles. I gave it my own spin by trading in the traditional ceramic tile for the unconventional paper one. I scavenged through magazines to find pages with the right color, texture, pattern, hue that I was searching for. Once found, I hand ripped each piece. A glue stick took the place of mortar.

My self-portrait mosaic was a good first exploration, though lazy. I cut corners because, well, I was a teenager. Who knew that teeth and eyelashes were critical in depicting a face? My art teacher called me out on it. I’m so grateful that she did because it forced me to actually consider what I was making. I started to experiment and play. I found it exhilarating to stumble upon and try unconventional pieces that could convey the essence I wanted. Hay fields for dog fur? A bedazzled designer handbag for their rump? A gingham shirt for a 5 o’clock shadow? Heck yes! They all worked.

From my self-portrait I moved on to mosaics of my friends and family members. A few years in, I was commissioned to make a pet portrait, which became another avenue for my work. Later, I started my own collection that I call #BossWomenSeries. These are women in the public eye that I find remarkable. They come from various industries, are trailblazers, support women, and are badasses. The two portraits featured here are from my #BossWomenSeries. My most recent mosaic exploration is in children’s book artwork.   

Mosaics are deeply revered in the Turkish culture, and I am so appreciative of the influence they’ve had on my work and development as an artist.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
16.5” x 11.5” 
March 2024
Magazine paper on paper

Turbo the pup
8” x 11”
April 2023
Magazine paper on paper
Ruth Bader Ginsberg
9.5” x 7.5”
September 2021
Magazine paper on paper

Stella Berg was born in New York City and moved to Istanbul, Turkey with her family at age 11. It was during these formative years in Istanbul that she developed a deep admiration for mosaics. After high school, Stella returned to New York to earn a BFA in Acting from Syracuse University. A decade of acting and producing later, Stella found her way to visual art, and specifically to mosaics. She cultivated her own spin on the traditional art form by swapping ceramic tiles for torn magazine pieces. 

Stella is developing a Boss Women Series, a portrait collection of influential women whom she admires, with the intent of having a gallery showing of the work. She is in the early stages of illustrating a children’s book about an eager Jack Russell Terrier and her ball. Stella is accepting commission requests for custom pet portraits.

When Stella is not creating, you can most likely find her in a park depriving a child of a swing.



When pondering portraits and music we wondered if it was possible to commission a musical composition that reflects one’s persona, i.e. a musical portrait.

In our research we discovered a few possibilities for this undertaking.

The idea, it seems, is that after a thorough “screening” through in-depth conversation, questionnaires and in some cases, meeting in person – your musical portrait will be created by the artist.

(SIDEBAR: We have not yet explored this artform, but our curiosity may lead us to check out how the notes of our “soul” are translated onto the lines of the bass and treble clef. )

To find out more, here are a few composers at your service:




And…for a classical musical treat, here is Aaron Copeland’s Lincoln Portrait, a profile of Abraham Lincoln in music and words:



COVER photograph by Felice Neals: Portrait of an Ancient Modern City. Athens, Greece. 2025.

TEXT: Poetry artwork: Mama by Jessica Frances Grégoire Lancaster. 2023.

Multi-Genre Science Corner:  JupiterSky by Felice Neals. Somewhere outside of New York City. 2025.

ART: Photos by Stella Berg.

Deepest gratitude to the (Re) contributors, the friends and family who support this adventure with their encouragement and guidance, Lori and Jim, the web consultants who gave us the tools to create this site and continue to provide their valued assistance, and the wonderful readers, who have followed us from the beginning to our recent move from quarterly to bi-annual content. Thank you! Merci! Gracias! Shukriya! Grazie! Obrigado! Xiexie! Amsegenallo! Asante! Shukraan!


Feel free to contact us and please join our mailing list by using the form below! You can also follow us on Instagram: @reideasjournal. Email: info@reideasjournal.com

the scrabble letters R and E



We are currently closed for submissions. 

Please check back again in the Spring 2025 for our next open call.

Thank you!