Welcome to (Re)!
I am very excited to present a curated “journal of ideas” that is a meeting place of visual art, prose, science, and more.
The idea for this endeavor came about from my love of vintage clothing and found objects and the way in which one ‘re’cycles these objects, et al. to make them their own. This concept then grew from that which we acquire in this vein, to that which we create through our various art forms (and yes, science and math are considered here, to be ‘the application of creative skill and imagination’, as art is formally defined). All of the material presented incorporates a re-root word, such as relive, reinvent, reuse…into its framework in whatever way the artist chooses. And so, (Re) is a product of this expanded idea.
The journal, available monthly online, features the work of artists/creators/thinkers in various categories and I am honored to present their work within this forum.
Thank you so much for taking the time to explore this new and evolving (re)source.
I hope you enjoy the ride!
— Felice Neals
Writer, reader, photographer, dance devotee, film citizen, language-a-phile…

Losing It
Play Excerpt
Jane Bolster

Two poems from The Wizard’s Manuscript (Manuscrito del hechicero)
Pedro Larrea

Fantasy Single Woman (FSW) Needed
Kelly Jean Fitzsimmons
How do I as a woman of color, a Muslim woman, a first-generation immigrant woman, living in the American Empire, (re)imagine myself in a society where I am objectified, exoticized, marginalized, and largely unseen? How do I resist the patriarchal nature of the American Empire’s daily impositions on my livelihood and neocolonial notions of my inferiority, insignificance, and invisibility? How do I re(imagine) myself as an agent of change with my own voice and sense of autonomy? How do I use this sense of self to navigate my fragmented world? The images below seek to answer these questions, as I re(imagine) myself through them.

Agents of Change - Transcendental
A combination of Acrylic paint and paper on canvas paper 9 x 12. April 2020

Agents of Change - The Dance of the Firefly
Acrylic paint on canvas, 16 x 20, May 2020

Agents of Change - The Stream
Acrylic paint on canvas, 11 x 14, May 2019
Hina Ahmed is a writer from Binghamton, New York. She has a BA in history and MA in education from Binghamton University. Hina is a writer of short stories, political essays and poetry. Her published and forthcoming work can be found in the following: Red Hen Press: New Moons Anthology, Anthology: Taboos and Transgression, Action Spectacle, Archer Magazine, Adelaide Literary Magazine, FemAsia Magazine, Turkish Literature and Art, NYU’s Aftab Literary Journal, EastLit Journal, among others. Hina is currently in the process of completing her first novel.
As the countdown continues to Election Day, I thought it would be fun to put together a playlist of songs that will get us fired up, motivated and moving to the beat of this crucial time in our country’s history.
DJ D-Nice, I am not – 🙂 – but I hope you enjoy the tunes which take us from the 60s to the present and include voices from the local and international stage.
Fatboy Slim (Weapon of Choice). The Radiants (Voice Your Choice). James Brown (Funky President). Duran Duran (Election Day). Spyz (Ballots not Bullets). Woody Gutherie (This Land is Your Land). Queen&David Bowie (Under Pressure). Van Halen (You Really Got Me) RIP Eddie Van Halen. Public Enemy (Don’t Believe the Hype). ECI: Jagoona India. Miriam Makeba (Mayibuye). Grandmaster Flash (The Message).
Please add your own, via email, if you like, info@reideasjournal.com and I will include them on our Instagram page: @reideasjournal.
Here is where I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the (Re) contributors, the friends and family who support this adventure with their encouragement and guidance, Lori and Jim, the web consultants who are holding my hand as I build this site with no previous experience in the web tech arena, and the wonderful readers, who I hope will continue to follow our monthly content. Thank you! Merci! Gracias! Shukriya! Grazie! Obrigado! Xiexie! Amsegenallo! Asante! Shukraan!
COVER photograph by Felice Neals: The gas station turned cafe that is now closed. A tribute to space and (re)invention in New York City.
ART photographs by Hina Ahmed.
TEXT photographs by Felice Neals of street signs/art.
THANK YOU as always, to our Editor H.E. Fisher for her sharp eye and invaluable contribution. I could not have gotten this project off and running without her support and editorial expertise.
THANK YOU to the artists who color our streets with their messages of unity, protest, love and beauty in all of its forms.
It is Halloween month! For a scary and well-crafted rideI highly recommend, Dead Zone (1983) – a film based on the book by Stephen King.
The story: Johnny, played by the always great, Christopher Walken, can suddenly see into the future, and makes it his mission to stop a renegade politician (Martin Sheen) before he is elected to the Senate. Hmm…
Here are a few outtakes from our Sept/Oct Contributors reading last weekend in Central Park:
A reading of a scene from Jane Bolster’s play, Losing It.
Wilson Valentin reading a monologue from his play, The Antons, featured last month.
Open mic: Megan Skelly
And a reading from this month’s featured poet Pedro Larrea, who is based in Virginia.

As our next issue will not launch until after the November 3rd election, in the words of President Barack Obama please remember: “There’s no such thing as a vote that doesn’t matter.”
Feel free to contact us and please join our mailing list by using the form below! You can also follow us on Instagram: @reideasjournal.com and Twitter: #reideasjournal
Email: info@reideasjournal.com